It's not pretty |
It's not clever and it's certainly not tidy |
So, one of the jobs on my list this week was to tidy up my smalls drawers and my jewellery drawer. This was partly prompted by the fact that twice last week I ended up wearing navy tights with a black dress, (a complete no/no in my book) all because at 6.30am I couldn't distinguish black from blue when I'm trying to sort through the tangle that was my tights drawer. I took myself off to Ikea and bought a few baskets/storage holders etc and this is the result - quite pleasing I think!
Jewellery sorted into compartments |
Mess - to carefully sorted necklaces (in their own chiffon bags) and bracelets |
vintage bowls for pretty baubles |
What can I say... |
Blue and black separated |
So, all in all, I'm pretty pleased with the results of my 'operation small drawer'. Next up is the kitchen. Watch this space.
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