Friday, May 23, 2014

Reasons to be Cheerful...

Roses, being fearless and scents in the air

1.  My garden is suddenly bursting to life; the honeysuckle and clematis fighting for space and at night the unmistakeable sweet, sweet smell of my jasmine that hasn't flowered for the last two years...In amongst all the greenery a swathe of yellow climbing roses that nod their full-blown petals in delight.

2.  A child tells me that she wants to thank me for helping her not to be fearful of life.  What a joy and privilege.

3.  As I wander up the hill in the early evening light, the scents of the earth, released by a sudden downpour earlier, assail me.  I pick up hints of lavender, heady roses, box hedge and other sweet blossoms that I can't quite identify.  It makes the meeting I'm heading to, and slightly dreading, a little easier.

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