As those who know me will testify, I have almost always got my nose buried in reading matter of some description or other - actually, I think I'm the literary equivalent of promiscuous as I don't really care too much what I'm reading - I suppose I'm a bit of a 'word slut' in that pretty much anything goes...classics, contemporary novels, poetry, self-help, magazines, flyers through the door, menus and even on occasion (rare) Heat magazine.
I cannot think of anything more blissful than a whole day free to read, lying on the sofa, cups of tea and complete absorbtion in a good book. In fact I know I have developed a particularly bad habit over the last year or so, if I walk into the staffroom and someone's dropped their paper/magazine on the table, the first thing I do is start to read it (bit of a standing joke with the staff now) and should I go into a coffee shop that has papers/magazines, well, whoever I'm with gets short shrift as I polish off the latest headlines and gossip with my latte - conversation? Who needs that when there's something to read. Anyway, here are some of my favourites from this year, ranging from the weird to the wonderful and I hope you are inspired to pick some of them up and try them for yourself...
This just speaks for itself - thought provoking and inspiring |
Ladies who fly! A great fictional insight into those women that flew planes during the war |
This is probably the best novel I've read for some time - if you haven't - you must! |
I love his books - scary but in an intellectual clever way |
She's mad! But it makes for great reading |
Beautifully written and engaging |
This book has turned some of my previously held beliefs way upside down. Regardless of what you believe it's thought provoking in the extreme! |
Such a talent - try Bixton Beach too |
Takes over where Michael Newton leaves off |
An honest, moving account of how she coped with | losing her husband |
A master of poetry
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