
Thursday, January 01, 2015

Looking Ahead

Happy New Year!  So 2014 has gone on its way - I can't say I'm particularly sad to see its sorry backside receding into the distance.  Last year was interesting  - lots of endings, but they came with endings' partner, new beginnings.  So this is the year where I begin to look ahead, to see possibilities and opportunities, to feel the fear, but do it anyway.  I'm not sure where these possibilities will take me, but I'm up for the ride.  As the saying goes, don't look backwards, you're not going that way...

Anyway, enough of the reflections and onto one of the resolutions I have brought into the new year with me.  Getting healthy.  I guess most of us will have that as our mantra, but it doesn't make it less meaningful.  I've spent the holiday period getting back into the gym routine - a new job has made it particularly difficult for me to get there regularly, but I know that half the battle is just getting back into the swing of it and I'm hoping I've done enough over the holidays for it to have kick started me.  Along with the exercise of course comes healthy food.  I've already pre-booked my on-line shops for the next few weeks; planning meals ahead so that I don't panic buy.  It's also high-time to try some new recipes - I'm so bored with all the usuals and so when I saw this recipe for Aromatic Chilli Beef Noodle Soup I didn't hesitate.  It was remarkably easy and quick to prepare (another winning point - who wants to come in after a looooong, long day and cook for an hour?).  More importantly, it was delicious.  It WAS aromatic and it WAS intensely satisfying to eat.  My pictures don't really do it justice (iphone) so you'll just have to try it for yourself...

Anyway, here's wishing you all, a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year.  Let's raise a glass of the fizzy stuff to new beginnings, opportunities, love and happiness... Cheers...