
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter Inspiration

I love Easter.  The days are longer and warmer and everywhere you look are trees laden with pink and white blossom.  The bluebells are carpeting the woods, buds are bursting and the air is sweet with drifting scents.  Traditionally I cook the paschal lamb for family and friends, complete with an Easter egg hunt for the littlies; there's wine that sparkles, fun, laughter and of course chocolate!  This year will be slightly different however, as a friend is hosting instead, but I'm still pouring over recipes and planning an imaginary table setting - see these for more inspiration. 

I discovered this cute DIY egg place holder
A fabulous recipe for a delicious Gazpacho soup
and a wonderful Easter Egg Nest cake
For me, mains just has to be lamb and this Nigella recipe of warm lamb salad with pomegranate hits the mark for me, especially if you don't want the heaviness of a roast
  Wishing you all a wonderful Easter weekend...x

Friday, April 18, 2014

French Dreams

Haven't we all wanted to own our own piece of the French dream?  The house by the river? the chic apartment in town?  Or how about your very own chateau?  Well that's exactly what an Australian couple have done with Chateau de Gudanes.  They had intended to buy a small rural house, renovate it and move in and instead they bought a derelict chateau in the South of France...You can read all about their journey here and to whet your appetite take a look at these and carry on dreaming...

All images: Chateau Gudanes